We thank the following outstanding contributors for their dependable, invaluable, prominent services and superior work products. Besides winlink there are additional ALE (automatic link establishment) systems, one of which will be running a world Wide interoperability test for 10 days starting March 27. The Winlink Development Team also receives generous technical input and contributions from other authors and developers. This bulletin was co-authored by Bob Rodgers (KC4TVO) and Ed Muesch (KC2HKU). The Winlink frequency table is color-coded by frequency and lists all local Winlink gateways. Setting Up a RMS Winlink Station The Basics The purpose of this bulletin is to introduce you to the need for additional Winlink Stations throughout the world and the first steps to set up your very own RMS Trimode Winlink Station.

Volunteers attend daily to the Winlink web site, e-mail groups, tutorial groups, nets, user registrations, access rights, RMS servers, catalog and bulletin updates, and much more. Update list from internet to get your local repeaters. Be sure to write with generous thanks to the sysops who provide your service ( ). Click Airmail menu 'Tools' and then 'Make Frequency List.' 9. A list of RMS can be found in the Channel Selection table: Once the table is updated, select an RMS near you, and ensure that the frequency of your radio matches that of the RMS listed in the table and press Start. The entire Winlink system is dedicated to the volunteer Gateway Station Sysops who support and run the thousand-plus stations around the world. For Winlink connections, the address and frequency of the session must match that of a RMS chosen (not that of the recipient).